The Broadcast is called Signs and Wonders an eye opening and deprogramming broadcast that came Right On Time. Listen to the broadcast called " Introduction, who am I?" for more information created on August 1 2010. Thank you for your interest, I hope you Listen, Deprogram, Regain your Power, Resist and Join the Victory. All Praise AHYAH, YAHUSHUAH our YAH.

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Last Episode : November 26, 2024 7:22pm

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The Great Dream Origins of the Blue Bloods - The Covenant of Abram
Okay now in the Book of Genesis we read how Abram was chosen to carry the baton of righteousness. We also read how that baton was passed onto the fourth generation. Now recall from the beginning of this message I spoke about Abraham Issac, Jacob, Levi, Jochebed the mother of Moses. I read this so that you can see that between Abraham and Moses you have four generations, here is why this is important.To get a clear comprehension of this message I will start with the story of Abram, let’s begin with Genesis 14: 1 – 15. And it reads.
Published 11/26
The Seed Of The Serpent and the Amalekite Deception | Feb-17-2010
Today I would like to speak about one of the first Prophecy in the WORD. This prophecy has been overlooked by MANY and misunderstood by many more. Before I explain I first want to thank a very dear and important friend of mine. Sword of YAH I would like to thank him for bringing this to my attention. He simply pointed out the connections in the Strong's Concordance and my eyes were opened to the most profound and greatest prophecy that ties all the scriptures together. Now let me explain. We first must read Genesis 3:15.Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.Now what I just read was a parable. Before I begin to decipher this PARABLE we first must understand what a parable is, because once this is exposed it all is exposed....
Published 11/26
The Great Dream Origins of the Blue Bloods - Dividing of Time
“Dan 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.”After the original time came the seeds and the planting. Then came the sword, and the forgetting. During the last four hundred years the Indigenous Peoples of the planet retreated deeper into the forest, the wilderness, the jungle. Wherever they went, they were followed by the machine and the twelve-month calendar of colonialism. Deprived of their own time, the Indigenous Peoples were forced into the false time of the machine.“Instead of the 13:20 galactic frequency of time, the planet was bequeathed with the 12:60 (12-month year, 60-minute hours) frequency of machine technology.”Jose Arguelles13 Moons In Motion
Published 10/29
The Great Dream Origins of the Blue Bloods - Power in Unity
Welcome back, beautiful spirits. Before I begin, I want to reiterate the purpose of this broadcast, which is to explore the significance and purpose of the Covenant, especially given the current conflict between Israel and Hamas. This is a broad conflict, as Hamas operates not only within Palestine but also in Lebanon, Qatar, Turkey, and Iran. Interestingly, when you look at a map of the ancient Babylonian Empire, you’ll notice it encompasses many of the areas where Israel asserts Hamas is active. As this message unfolds, you'll see why this connection matters.Now, as I mentioned, we'll begin by placing this event in its proper context and exploring the circumstances that inspired YAHUWAH to establish a covenant with Abram. Let's start with the Book of Genesis, Chapter 11.Genesis 11; In the Book of Genesis, we read that the whole Earth was of one language and one speech. And we read that this generation of beings after the flood traveled to a place called Shinar, this name Shinar is associated with words like Sharp, Cutting, Divide, Plunder and Spoil. We also notice the word Sleep, and of course Babylon. In addition, it means “country of two rivers”, and when we go further, we read that in Shinar they build the first skyscraper that could reach unto heaven. In addition, we read that they were able to do this because “they” were unified in this act which gave them extreme power.
Published 10/29
The Power of Cryptocurrency and the Blessings of AHYAH
I began to write this message during the 10th Moon on the 19th day of December three Moons before the Passover. If you follow the ancient time chart than March 25th marks the official New Year and April 8th marks the Passover. According to ancient scriptures the remembrance takes place under a new moon. To better comprehend this fact September is the 7th Moon, October is the 8th Moon, November is the 9th Moon and December is the 10th Moon. The eleventh Moon is January and the 12th Moon is February. Therefore March is the first Month of the New Year which is why the usurpers celebrate Purim. It's a marker because 14 days after the New Year is the Passover. Therefore Passover always falls on a hidden Moon. Why because the angle of death came in darkness.
Published 1/16/2024
Revelation 18 Manifest Destiny
For those of you whom are in tune know that today March 21 2023 Marks the beginning of the orginal time of Passover, before it was taken over, which is also in line with the Spring Equinox. And as it is written in scriptures, it is 14 days after the New Year. For those of you whom are in tune also know that the real New Year started 14 days ago on March 7 2023, the same day the Japhetic European Jews call Purim. I like to keep this in your attention so that you stay in tune.
Published 3/22/2023
Willing or by Force - revisited - Nine Years Later
Here we are seven years later and Willing or by Force the broadcast I did seven years ago is here. At this point most of you are on self Quarantine and looking at your Bank account gets smaller and smaller. As our freedoms become less and less. The Global demonic deep state are working overtime to put this final peg in place. Please open your third eye and see what is to transpire. REMEMBER when "Baxter admits flu product contained live bird flu virus" back than it was H1N2 as it reads "The contaminated product, a mix of H3N2 seasonal flu viruses and unlabeled H5N1 viruses, was supplied to an Austrian research company." This was back in 2009 during the economic meltdown of 2008 dose this all FEEL familiar? The Swine Flu started in April the vaccine was spiked with H3N2 back in February and if it was not caught we would have had a the Pandemic in 2009 not in 2020. Open your eyes.
Published 12/10/2022
The Destruction of Gog.
The Destruction of Gog. 10 years to this day I was shown a vision concerning the Hebrews. Many of you know what I am talking about if you have been following my broadcast. On this broadcast I will speak on what it was that I was shown. (Update 10/05/2022) - As we see war in Ukraine heating up towards Armageddon and the instigation for nuclear war it will serve you well to gather wisdom at this time. Learn who is behind this present psyop and gain the power to save yourself and those that you love. All praise to AHYAH. Dawid Yacob Maccabeus
Published 10/05/2022
The Vatican Resignation Ritual - March 6th 2013
First aired NINE years ago 2013 - 2022. Please listen to this broadcast and find the gems of the unveiling. March 6th 2013 - In this broadcast I will explain in greater detail about the Pope and his resignation ritual. Yes it is a ritual! This is the first broadcast for HWUNET News I will speak on the popes resignation the connections between the dates and numbers and reveal the hidden messages conducted during the Vatican resignation ritual.
Published 9/28/2022
"The Black Gene" Bio Weapon and the Monkey Virus Final Solution. w/ Dr. Judy Mikovits joins Alex Jones
Dr. Judy Mikovits joins Alex Jones live via Skype to break down how essentially all vaccines are tainted with a variety of viruses by a group of eugenics scientists who want to change human DNA.
Published 5/30/2022
The Seven Golden Candlesticks, Revelation 18 and Nuremberg Trials 2021
Welcome friends and family to another informative Broadcast I am your host Dawid Yacob Maccabeus today's is March 18th 2022 for those that have been keeping up thru the years you know this marks the beginning of the New Years which means 14 days from now on March 31st 2022 the celebration of Passover begins, the Rise of the Messiah YAHUSHUA will take place for three days, during these three days the Spirits of AHYAH will prepare for battle against the parasitic forces of this world. We celebrate Passover because we have the victory. Brothers and Sisters it is time to put on the full armor of YAH and prepare for victory. Today's broadcast is entitled The Seven Golden Candlesticks, Revelation 18 and Nuremberg Trials 2021.
Published 3/19/2022
Nuremberg Trials 2021 Grand Jury Day 6 | Eugenics and Outlook
To whom it may concern in the Name of YAHUSHUA, To my fellow Jurors, I Dawid Yacob Maccabeus, Plahu the Teacher I'm almost at a lost for words. After watching the first few Nuremberg Trials 2 videos I had to pause to build this information page. I am in genuine astonishment, it is hard to comprehend how corrupt the accused has become, even more so than their previous Generation. The 1944 generation of the elite class has grown into their roles as the rulers of the Earth. Since the end of World War II we have witnessed the Parents of the 1944 Generation pass the baton of Lucifer to their offspring. The children of the Nazi parties have implemented the network of Hydra the Whore of Babylon. The amount of life the accused has destroyed is uncountable, from this trial we will see the exposer of their crimes, from this trial we see the full depth of evil. Satan and his demonic hierarchy of evil spirits also known as the order of 72, the demonic parasitic family members of the elite class and all members of the order of Lucifer. I David James, Dawid Yacob Maccabeus, Plahu the Teacher a Son of AHYAH from the Seed of Yacob I ask AHYAH in the name of YAHUSHUA, to bring Justice to our Earth. You Satan and your demonic hierarchy of evil spirits also known as the order of 72, the demonic parasitic family members of the elite class, and all members of the order of Lucifer you. I Dawid Yacob Maccabeus a member of the Jury find you Guilty of crimes against Humanity again. I ask AHYAH to give Power to the remnant to bring you to Justice and remove your head from your body. I ask AHYAH to protect the members of the Jury, so that we can carry out the duty of your Will. I ask in the Name of YAHUSHUA that you bring Satan and his co conspirators down from their high places. Yahuwah my Yah from righteous Enoch to righteous Elijah under the Law of AHYAH, we the Jury will pull Satan down.
Published 3/12/2022