Just as President Trump was expected to sign an executive order marking the beginning of the end for federal education, The White House reverses course due to rumored concerns the administration doesn’t have a good plan yet.
Published Monday
Boy Wins First Place At High School Girls’ Poll Vaulting Championship | 379
A transgender-identifying boy in Maine takes first place in women’s pole-vaulting days after the state declared it would not enforce President Trump’s executive order banning males from female sports in public schools.
Published 03/03
School Removes Student From Family So She Could Sleep With Teacher | 378
An infamous Colorado high school has a lot to answer for after they admit to helping a student file paperwork to be removed from her childhood home and placed with her teacher who she was sleeping with.
Published 02/28
Should Teachers Be Paid Based On Student Performance? | 377
Former presidential contender Vivek Ramaswamy says one of the keys to improving education in America is to pay teachers based on student performance.
Published 02/24
Former Education Secretary Says Department Doesn’t Do Anything | 376
Former Secretary of Education says schools will be much better off if the federal department is dissolved since they don't work with students or teachers, just dictate rules and give out 10% of money.
Published 02/21
School Board Walks Out On Angry Parents Over ‘Rainbow’ Book | 375
A New York school board walks out on angry parents after an elementary student brought home a rainbow pride book that featured bondage.
Published 02/17
10 Crazy Research Projects Americans Have Been Funding | 374
Thanks to Elon Musk and DOGE we're finding a ridiculous amount of taxpayer money has been spent on some of the craziest "higher ed" research projects you can imagine.
Published 02/14
Trump Returns Common Sense To Girls Sports | 373
Surrounded by girls from across the nation, President Trump moves to protect female athletes by banning boys from competing against them.
Published 02/10
National Report Card Shows Kids Can’t Read | 372
Despite years of Critical Race Theory indoctrination and billions of dollars demanded by unions, a new report card shows American public schools are failing students when it comes to reading and math.
Published 02/07
Trump Tells Schools To Teach Reading And Writing Or Lose Funding | 371
President Trump is wasting no time putting things back in order as he signs an executive order prohibiting federal funding for any school that teaches Critical Race Theory or Gender Ideology
Published 02/03
Man Goes Viral After Dominating Girls’ Basketball Game | 370
A California man is all the talk after video shows him dominating a girls’ high school basketball game, nearly outscoring the other team by himself.
Published 01/31
New York Paying $36,000 Per Year To Educate Each Student | 369
Despite terrible test scores, it now costs more to educate a student in New York public schools than in any other state in the country.