The Real Investment Show Podcast

It's a show about life, markets, sweat-equity, and the pursuit of wealth in a capitalist market.
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Last Episode : March 13, 2025 11:00am
Last Scanned : 1.9 hours ago

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Confirmed 3
RIS 3-13-25 THURSDAY Best-of ShowAs you know, Lance is on vacation this week. Previously, he discussed the truth about tariffs, and President Trump's plans to offset lower taxes (& revenues) by imposing tariffs on other countries. Markets are already re-pricing stocks to compensate. Is the economy slipping, or are the markets just anxious? Lance and Michael talk about he Atlanta Fed GDP Now report; what will be the next crisis: he Debt Ceiling? Will the Fed halt Quantitative Easing (QT)? How the repeal of Rule 157 resulted in fantasy valuations vs Mark to Market. "This is Water" SEG-1: The Truth about Tariffs SEG-2: Is the Economy Slipping or Just Anxious (Complete Audio) SEG-3: Assessing the Atlanta Fed's GDP Now Report SEG-4: Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO, w Portfolio Manager Michael Lebowitz, CFA Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer ------- REGISTER FOR OUR NEXT CANDID COFFEE (3/29/25) HERE: ------- Watch today's full show video here: ------- Articles mentioned in this report: "Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste" "Bearish Sentiment Surges As If The Market Just Crashed" "CFNAI Index Suggests Economy Is Slowing" "CAPE-5: A Different Measure Of Valuation" ------- The latest installment of our new feature, Before the Bell, "Markets to Retest 200-DMA" is here: ------- Our previous show is here: "Tariff Turmoil," ------- Get more info & commentary: -------- SUBSCRIBE to The Real Investment Show here: -------- Visit our Site: Contact Us: 1-855-RIA-PLAN -------- Subscribe to SimpleVisor: -------- Connect with us on social: #Retest200DMA #EmploymentReport #AtlantaGDP #TariffTurmoil #TradeWar #StockMarketNews #GlobalEconomy #InvestingInsights #MarketBottom #ReflexiveRally #Tariffs #BearMarketInvesting #StockMarketStrategy #InvestingTips #WealthBuilding #MarketTrends #MarketRally #TradeWar #TurtleTrading #Inflation #InvestorSentiment #Negativity #MarketSellOff #MarketCatalyst #MarketCorrection #ReflexiveRally #20DMA #50DMA #100DMA #InvestingTrends #InvestmentStrategies #StockMarketOutlook #InvestingTrends #MarketForecast #EconomicUpdate #FinanceTalk #InvestingTrends #InvestingAdvice #Money #Investing
Expires in 28 hours
Published Thursday
Confirmed 4
RIS 3-12-25 WEDNESDAY Best-of ShowTariffs take effect as markets are in mid-correction; investors are extremely bearish. Tariffs only impact production side; consumers may choose not to buy at elevated prices. Lance and Jonathan discuss avocados vs mangos. Markets continue to trade in a broad, large range; markets are seeking an interim bottom. Markets are over sold, and money flows are reversing. Is Christina Lance's Agent 99? Trade Wars, Tariffs, & Inflation: Trade War II effects (charts); Bullish sentiment is at lowest level since 2022; loss aversion psychology. A look at diversification and the role of Bonds; how we build our portfolios (more charts). Lance and Danny discuss the ebb and flow of the U.S. Dollar, and buzzword headline-generators: The latest is Stagflation. Most do not know the three elements required: Low growth, high inflation, and high unemployment WWWBB: What would Warren Buffett buy (or sell); why 13-F's are revealing reading (but remember, they're only updated quarterly!) A discussion of portfolio weighting theory; Turtle Trading; nibbling on developed international stocks? All are on the brink of recession. SEG-1 - Tariffs Take Effect SEG-2 - Trade Wars, & Inflation SEG-3 - Ebb & Flow of US Dollar & Tariffs SEG-4 - What Would Warren Buffett Buy? Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO, w Senior Financial Advisor Jonathan Penn, CFP Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer ------- REGISTER FOR OUR NEXT CANDID COFFEE (3/29/25) HERE: ------- Articles mentioned in this report: "Bearish Sentiment Surges As If The Market Just Crashed" "CFNAI Index Suggests Economy Is Slowing" "CAPE-5: A Different Measure Of Valuation" ------- The latest installment of our new feature, Before the Bell, "Markets Adjust for Tariffs," is here: ------- Our previous show is here: "Will Markets March Ahead?" ------- Get more info & commentary: -------- SUBSCRIBE to The Real Investment Show here: -------- Visit our Site: Contact Us: 1-855-RIA-PLAN -------- Subscribe to SimpleVisor: -------- Connect with us on social: #BearMarketInvesting #StockMarketStrategy #InvestingTips #WealthBuilding #MarketTrends #MarketRally #Tariffs #TradeWar #TurtleTrading #Inflation #InvestorSentiment #Negativity #MarketSellOff #MarketCatalyst #MarketCorrection #ReflexiveRally #20DMA #50DMA #100DMA #InvestingTrends #InvestmentStrategies #StockMarketOutlook #InvestingTrends #MarketForecast #EconomicUpdate #FinanceTalk #InvestingTrends #GetSmart #WarrenBuffett #InvestingAdvice #Money #Investing
Expires in 4 hours
Published Wednesday
RIS 3-11-25 TUESDAY Best-of Show
Lance's vacation week continues, and we rteview past episode of the show, today featuring a discussion of administration policies' effects on the economy. Will Donald Trump's Crypto-reserve translate into a boon for tech stocks and cryptocurrencies? The Atlanta Fed GDP shows negative growth: This does not mean recessionary. Front loading of purchases ahead of tariff imposition will result in pullback from anticipated purchasing later in the year, affecting profits. March is a seasonally strong month. A look at the market rally and rotation trades; the economy is not bad, but pullbacks are coming from DOGE cuts in government spending and job losses, and the impact of fewer immigrants for hiring. (Where are most jobs now being created?) The Chicago Fed National Activity Index is in contraction. Removing government bloat is not without consequence. Don't under-estimate the impact of government policy and hiring on the economy. Lance next discusses the elevated risk appetite of Gen-X investors, who have never known anything but an ever-climbing market climate; the impact of financial crisis & dealin with risk. Lance reviews his essay, "CAPE-5: A Different Measure of Valuation." Valuations reflect sentiment; is "easy-street" for investors coming to an end? SEG-1 - Don't Underestimate Impact of Gov't Hiring SEG-3 - Market Rallies & Rotation Trade SEG-3 - Diversification & Bonds: SEG-4 - CAPE-5: A Different Measure of Valuation Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer ------- REGISTER FOR OUR NEXT CANDID COFFEE (3/29/25) HERE: ------- Articles mentioned in this report: "CFNAI Index Suggests Economy Is Slowing" "CAPE-5: A Different Measure Of Valuation" ------- The latest installment of our new feature, Before the Bell, "Negative Sentiment will Fuel Market Rally," is here: ------- Our previous show is here: "Instant Results Coming from Social Security Fairness Act" ------- Get more info & commentary: -------- SUBSCRIBE to The Real Investment Show here: -------- Visit our Site: Contact Us: 1-855-RIA-PLAN -------- Subscribe to SimpleVisor: -------- Connect with us on social: #MarketRally #InvestorSentiment #Negativity #MarketSellOff #MarketCatalyst #MarketCorrection #ReflexiveRally #20DMA #50DMA #100DMA #InvestingTrends #InvestmentStrategies #StockMarketOutlook #InvestingTrends #MarketForecast #EconomicUpdate #FinanceTalk #InvestingTrends #InvestingAdvice #Money #Investing
Published Tuesday
RIS 3-10-25 MONDAY Best-of Show
Lance is on vacation this week. This compilation show includes a conversation about estate planning and the consequences of failing to properly plan; "If I were President, the first thing I would do..." Lance and Jonathan solve all problems: Cleaning up D.C. first, and the changes are not going to be without pain; and a send-off for Gene Hackman, , and Lance and Michael discuss creating liquidity out of debt, and the Fed's Reverse Repo tool. Recent Fed minutes hint at tweaking liquidity ahead of debt ceiling adjustments. Investor psychology and levels of bearishness not unlike pre-crash mentality. This may be the year with high volatility and markets go nowhere. How to be more rational? Adjust views of markets in varying time-spans (weekly, monthly) vs hourly and daily. Double-down or get out? Avoid anchoring on purchase price. SEG-1: RIP Gene Hackman; Creating Liquidity from Debt SEG-2- Consequences of Improper Estate Planning SEG-3: Cleaning up D.C. & Optimistic Analysts SEG-4: Behavioral Economics: Managing Your Inner Voice Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO, w Portfolio Manager Michael Lebowitz, CFA Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer ------- REGISTER FOR OUR NEXT CANDID COFFEE (3/29/25) HERE: ------- Watch today's full show video here: ------- Articles mentioned in this report: "Consumers Are Losing Confidence" "Estimates By Analysts Have Gone Parabolic" "Margin Balances Suggest Risks Are Building" Adam Taggart & Lance Roberts: "Market Correction "Near Guaranteed" Given Insanely High Earnings Expectations: ------- The latest installment of our new feature, Before the Bell, "Markets to Retest 200-DMA" is here: ------- Our previous show is here: "Tariff Turmoil," ------- Get more info & commentary: -------- SUBSCRIBE to The Real Investment Show here: -------- Visit our Site: Contact Us: 1-855-RIA-PLAN -------- Subscribe to SimpleVisor: -------- Connect with us on social: #Retest200DMA #EmploymentReport #AtlantaGDP #TariffTurmoil #TradeWar #StockMarketNews #GlobalEconomy #InvestingInsights #MarketBottom #ReflexiveRally #Tariffs #BearMarketInvesting #StockMarketStrategy #InvestingTips #WealthBuilding #MarketTrends #MarketRally #TradeWar #TurtleTrading #Inflation #InvestorSentiment #Negativity #MarketSellOff #MarketCatalyst #MarketCorrection #ReflexiveRally #20DMA #50DMA #100DMA #InvestingTrends #InvestmentStrategies #StockMarketOutlook #InvestingTrends #MarketForecast #EconomicUpdate #FinanceTalk #InvestingTrends #InvestingAdvice #Money #Investing
Published Monday
3-7-25 There is More to College Funding than Meets the Eye
We introduce Sarah Buenger, CFP, our in-house college funding expert and Professor of Financial Planning at Texas A&M University. Richard discusses diversification in portfolios vs "sext" stocks, sector rotation, and the Fed's Jobs preview; sentiment doesn't match the markets. Tariff s vs protectionism: disruption is what markets dislike the most. A discussion about social security, and DOGE vs SSA: What is likely to happen? Setting SSA COLA to GDP-E for Seniors; the wisdom in waiting to take SS. Planning for college; FAFSA, Learning Credits, and scholarships. Never fully fund college savings 100%; what to do with left over college fund money? The benefits of taking dual-credit courses in high school. Review AP Classes: Not all universities treat these the same. Not all scholarships require SAT/ACT scores; sports scholarships are typical fractional to pull in more athletes. Finding/applying for scholarships should be a full time summer job for Juniors. SEG-1: Portfolio Diversification vs Sexy Stocks SEG-2: DOGE vs SSA: What Will Happen Next? SEG-3: College Funding Tactics: Learning Credits & Scholarships SEG-4: Dual Credits & AP Classes: Not all Universities are Equal Hosted by RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP, w Senior Financial Advisor Sarah Buenger, CFP Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer ------- REGISTER FOR OUR NEXT CANDID COFFEE (3/29/25) HERE: ------- Watch today's full show video here: ------- Articles mentioned in this report: "Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste" "Bearish Sentiment Surges As If The Market Just Crashed" "CFNAI Index Suggests Economy Is Slowing" "CAPE-5: A Different Measure Of Valuation" ------- The latest installment of our new feature, Before the Bell, "Markets to Retest 200-DMA" is here: ------- Our previous show is here: "Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste," ------- Get more info & commentary: -------- SUBSCRIBE to The Real Investment Show here: -------- Visit our Site: Contact Us: 1-855-RIA-PLAN -------- Subscribe to SimpleVisor: -------- Connect with us on social: #CollegeFunding #StudentLoans #FinancialAid #529Plan #DebtFreeCollege #EmploymentReport #AtlantaGDP #TariffTurmoil #TradeWar #StockMarketNews #GlobalEconomy #InvestingInsights #MarketBottom #ReflexiveRally #Tariffs #BearMarketInvesting #StockMarketStrategy #InvestingTips #WealthBuilding #MarketTrends #MarketRally #TradeWar #TurtleTrading #Inflation #InvestorSentiment #Negativity #MarketSellOff #MarketCatalyst #MarketCorrection #ReflexiveRally #20DMA #50DMA #100DMA #InvestingTrends #InvestmentStrategies #StockMarketOutlook #InvestingTrends #MarketForecast #EconomicUpdate #FinanceTalk #InvestingTrends #InvestingAdvice #Money #Investing
Published Friday
3-6-25 Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste
Lance is preparing for Spring Break Vacation next week (3/10-14); Market rallied Wednesday on possible delays of tariff impositions on Automobiles. Lance reviews potential new tax deductions like we used to have. Deportation forecasts: Previous events did not crash markets. Investor and positioning sentiment are still very negative. (At this point in the broadcast, our streaming connection was lost; the complete audio can be heard on our various audio podcast platforms, listed below.) Is the economy slipping, or are the markets just anxious? Lance and Michael talk about the Atlanta Fed GDP Now report; what will be the next crisis: he Debt Ceiling? Will the Fed halt Quantitative Easing (QT)? How the repeal of Rule 157 resulted in fantasy valuations vs Mark to Market. "This is Water" SEG-1a: Market Rally on Possible Delay of Tariffs on Autos SEG-1b: Before the Bell Complete Audio SEG-2:Is the Economy Slipping or Just Anxious (Complete Audio) SEG-3: Assessing the Atlanta Fed's GDP Now Report SEG-4: Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO, w Portfolio Manager Michael Lebowitz, CFA Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer ------- REGISTER FOR OUR NEXT CANDID COFFEE (3/29/25) HERE: ------- Watch today's full show video here: ------- Articles mentioned in this report: "Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste" "Bearish Sentiment Surges As If The Market Just Crashed" "CFNAI Index Suggests Economy Is Slowing" "CAPE-5: A Different Measure Of Valuation" ------- The latest installment of our new feature, Before the Bell, "Markets to Retest 200-DMA" is here: ------- Our previous show is here: "Tariff Turmoil," ------- Get more info & commentary: -------- SUBSCRIBE to The Real Investment Show here: -------- Visit our Site: Contact Us: 1-855-RIA-PLAN -------- Subscribe to SimpleVisor: -------- Connect with us on social: #Retest200DMA #EmploymentReport #AtlantaGDP #TariffTurmoil #TradeWar #StockMarketNews #GlobalEconomy #InvestingInsights #MarketBottom #ReflexiveRally #Tariffs #BearMarketInvesting #StockMarketStrategy #InvestingTips #WealthBuilding #MarketTrends #MarketRally #TradeWar #TurtleTrading #Inflation #InvestorSentiment #Negativity #MarketSellOff #MarketCatalyst #MarketCorrection #ReflexiveRally #20DMA #50DMA #100DMA #InvestingTrends #InvestmentStrategies #StockMarketOutlook #InvestingTrends #MarketForecast #EconomicUpdate #FinanceTalk #InvestingTrends #InvestingAdvice #Money #Investing
Published 03/06
3-6-25 Markets to Retest 200-DMA
Markets are looking to open lower, but there's no, one reason as the cause. We'll retest the 200-DMA again today: Be careful of breaks in support! When these have occurred in the past, they've turned out to be buying opportunities, not selling opportunities. Concerns over negative GDP data should improve as new data is received. This is hinted in improving ISM Services and Manufacturing data, which will feed into the next Atlanta GDP report, and provide positive input. It is also likely that a better-than-expected Employment Report will be seen on Friday. Be careful when everyone is negative: Counter-trend data can reverse that mood. Remember, sellers live higher, buyers live lower. We've got to go back to November 2023 for the last retest of the 200-DMA. Every time markets have been as over sold as this, near-term, bottoms have resulted. So, even though markets could go lower, the trend right now is positive. Hosted by RIA Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, CIO Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer ------- Watch the video version of this podcast: ------- Get more info & commentary: ------- REGISTER FOR OUR NEXT CANDID COFFEE (3/29/25) HERE: ------- Visit our Site: Contact Us: 1-855-RIA-PLAN -------- Subscribe to SimpleVisor: -------- Connect with us on social: #Retest200DMA #EmploymentReport #AtlantaGDP #MarketRally #MarketBottom #ReflexiveRally #Tariffs #InvestorSentiment #Negativity #MarketSellOff #MarketCatalyst #MarketCorrection #ReflexiveRally #RebalancingRisk #20DMA #50DMA #100DMA #InvestingTrends #InvestmentStrategies #InvestingAdvice #Money #Investing
Published 03/06
3-5-25 Tariff Turmoil
President Donald Trump's speech last night kept us up late, running nearly two-hours outlining his plan to offset lower tax revenues with tariffs on other countries. A discussion on reciprocal tariffs; how markets work; where earnings growth comes fromn. Markets are now re-pricing the impact of tariffs (Chart of stock valuations heat map). Lance and Danny discuss the ebb and flow of the U.S. Dollar, and buzzword headlin-generators: The latest is Stagflation. Most do not know the three elements required: Low growth, high inflation, and high unemployment. The Tru-flation index has collapsed, and markets are re-pricing the effects of tariffs. Lance and Danny address the importance of managing emotions and investor behavior/psychology. Why sometimes, the best thing to do is to do nothing. Why eggs prices have nothing to do with inflation. The Value of a Financial Advisor: To make sure income growth exceeds inflation growth. Lance & Danny discuss the viability of international and emerging markets stocks. SEG-1: Trump Speech & Bearish Sentiment SEG-2: The Truth About Tariffs SEG-3: Ebbs & Flow of US Dollar & Tariffs SEG-4: The Value of a Financial Advisor Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO, w Senior Financial Advisor Jonathan Penn, CFP Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer ------- REGISTER FOR OUR NEXT CANDID COFFEE (3/29/25) HERE: ------- Watch today's full show video here: ------- Articles mentioned in this report: "Bearish Sentiment Surges As If The Market Just Crashed" "CFNAI Index Suggests Economy Is Slowing" "CAPE-5: A Different Measure Of Valuation" ------- The latest installment of our new feature, Before the Bell, "Have Markets Found the Bottom?" is here: ------- Our previous show is here: "What To Do When Everyone is Bearish." ------- Get more info & commentary: -------- SUBSCRIBE to The Real Investment Show here: -------- Visit our Site: Contact Us: 1-855-RIA-PLAN -------- Subscribe to SimpleVisor: -------- Connect with us on social: #TariffTurmoil #TradeWar #StockMarketNews #GlobalEconomy #InvestingInsights #MarketBottom #ReflexiveRally #Tariffs #BearMarketInvesting #StockMarketStrategy #InvestingTips #WealthBuilding #MarketTrends #MarketRally #TradeWar #TurtleTrading #Inflation #InvestorSentiment #Negativity #MarketSellOff #MarketCatalyst #MarketCorrection #ReflexiveRally #20DMA #50DMA #100DMA #InvestingTrends #InvestmentStrategies #StockMarketOutlook #InvestingTrends #MarketForecast #EconomicUpdate #FinanceTalk #InvestingTrends #InvestingAdvice #Money #Investing
Published 03/05
3-5-25 Have Markets Found the Bottom?
Markets are down 6% and very over sold: This is the time to look for opportunities. The problem with finding market bottoms is the time it takes to work it out. Significantly, markets tested the 200-DMA on Tuesday for the first time in a long, long time. There is a cluster of resistance around 5900 on the S&P: The 20-DMA, the 50-DMA, the 100-DMA are all clustered there. It will be tough for markets to rise above that level. It is likely markets will be trapped within a certain range for a while. The markets' over sold condition has pushed the MACD indicator to a low level we haven't seen in quite some time. Momentum and relative strength are both very over sold. Previous conditions like this have typically aligned with a market bottom. This is probably close to a level where a reflexive rally is inevitable. If that is the case, use this opportunity to rebalance risk in your portfolio. Part of the markets' decline has also been seen in the US Dollar. The Dollar is also down to its 200-DMA. Bonds, on the other hand, have enjoyed a nice rally, and are now extremely over bought. It would not be surprising to see a pull back of the TLT to the $90 level at this point. Interest Rates are similarly over bought, so expect a bit of a reset. Hosted by RIA Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, CIO Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer ------- Watch the video version of this podcast: ------- Get more info & commentary: ------- REGISTER FOR OUR NEXT CANDID COFFEE (3/29/25) HERE: ------- Visit our Site: Contact Us: 1-855-RIA-PLAN -------- Subscribe to SimpleVisor: -------- Connect with us on social: #MarketRally #MarketBottom #ReflexiveRally #Tariffs #InvestorSentiment #Negativity #MarketSellOff #MarketCatalyst #MarketCorrection #ReflexiveRally #RebalancingRisk #20DMA #50DMA #100DMA #InvestingTrends #InvestmentStrategies #InvestingAdvice #Money #Investing
Published 03/05
3-4-25 What To Do When Everyone is Bearish
Tariffs take effect as markets are in mid-correction; investors are extremely bearish. Tariffs only impact production side; consumers may choose not to buy at elevated prices. Lance and Jonathan discuss avocados vs mangos. Markets continue to trade in a broad, large range; markets are seeking an interim bottom. Markets are over sold, and money flows are reversing. Is Christina Lance's Agent 99? Trade Wars, Tariffs, & Inflation: Trade War II effects (charts); Bullish sentiment is at lowest level since 2022; loss aversion psychology. A look at diversification and the role of Bonds; how we build our portfolios (more charts). WWWBB: What would Warren Buffett buy (or sell); why 13-F's are revealing reading (but remember, they're only updated quarterly!) A discussion of portfolio weighting theory; Turtle Trading; nibbling on developed international stocks? All are on the brink of recession. SEG-1: Tariffs Take Effect SEG-2: Get Smart, Trade Wars, & Inflation SEG-3: Diversification & Bonds: SEG-4: What Would Warren Buffett Buy? Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO, w Senior Financial Advisor Jonathan Penn, CFP Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer ------- REGISTER FOR OUR NEXT CANDID COFFEE (3/29/25) HERE: ------- Watch today's full show video here: ------- Articles mentioned in this report: "Bearish Sentiment Surges As If The Market Just Crashed" "CFNAI Index Suggests Economy Is Slowing" "CAPE-5: A Different Measure Of Valuation" ------- The latest installment of our new feature, Before the Bell, "Markets Adjust for Tariffs," is here: ------- Our previous show is here: "Will Markets March Ahead?" ------- Get more info & commentary: -------- SUBSCRIBE to The Real Investment Show here: -------- Visit our Site: Contact Us: 1-855-RIA-PLAN -------- Subscribe to SimpleVisor: -------- Connect with us on social: #BearMarketInvesting #StockMarketStrategy #InvestingTips #WealthBuilding #MarketTrends #MarketRally #Tariffs #TradeWar #TurtleTrading #Inflation #InvestorSentiment #Negativity #MarketSellOff #MarketCatalyst #MarketCorrection #ReflexiveRally #20DMA #50DMA #100DMA #InvestingTrends #InvestmentStrategies #StockMarketOutlook #InvestingTrends #MarketForecast #EconomicUpdate #FinanceTalk #InvestingTrends #GetSmart #WarrenBuffett #InvestingAdvice #Money #Investing
Published 03/04
3-4-25 Markets Adjust for Tariffs
Markets rallied on Monday, but declined over all, and are looking to open lower this morning. We are still within a very large consolidation range in which markets have been operating since last November. We're down about 4% from market highs, which may feel pretty bad (and this is where investors get on the wrong side of the trade); we're over sold with a very deep sell signal, and this is the point where markets typically start to look for an interim bottom where you get a tradable rally. Such event is an opportunity to re-balance risk (sell) in preparation for the next downturn. So we anticipate markets will struggle a bit as investors grapple with the new reality of tariffs: Markets will digest this data and then adjust for tariffs. Hosted by RIA Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, CIO Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer ------- Watch the video version of this podcast: ------- Get more info & commentary: ------- REGISTER FOR OUR NEXT CANDID COFFEE (3/29/25) HERE: ------- Visit our Site: Contact Us: 1-855-RIA-PLAN -------- Subscribe to SimpleVisor: -------- Connect with us on social: #MarketRally #Tariffs #InvestorSentiment #Negativity #MarketSellOff #MarketCatalyst #MarketCorrection #ReflexiveRally #RebalancingRisk #20DMA #50DMA #100DMA #InvestingTrends #InvestmentStrategies #InvestingAdvice #Money #Investing
Published 03/04
3-3-25 Will Markets March Ahead?
Will Donald Trump's Crypto-reserve translate into a boon for tech stocks and cryptocurrencies? The Atlanta Fed GDP shows negative growth: This does not mean recessionary. Front loading of purchases ahead of tariff imposition will result in pullback from anticipated purchasing later in the year, affecting profits. March is a seasonally strong month. A look at the market rally and rotation trades; the economy is not bad, but pullbacks are coming from DOGE cuts in government spending and job losses, and the impact of fewer immigrants for hiring. (Where are most jobs now being created?) The Chicago Fed National Activity Index is in contraction. Removing government bloat is not without consequence. Don't under-estimate the impact of government policy and hiring on the economy. Lance next discusses the elevated risk appetite of Gen-X investors, who have never known anything but an ever-climbing market climate; the impact of financial crisis & dealin with risk. Lance reviews his essay, "CAPE-5: A Different Measure of Valuation." Valuations reflect sentiment; is "easy-street" for investors coming to an end? SEG-1: Trump's Crypto Reserve: Rally in Tech? SEG-2: Market Rallies & Rotation Trade SEG-3: Don't Underestimate Impact of Gov't Hiring SEG-4: CAPE-5: A Different Measure of Valuation Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive Producer ------- REGISTER FOR OUR NEXT CANDID COFFEE (3/29/25) HERE: ------- Watch today's full show video here: ------- Articles mentioned in this report: "CFNAI Index Suggests Economy Is Slowing" "CAPE-5: A Different Measure Of Valuation" ------- The latest installment of our new feature, Before the Bell, "Negative Sentiment will Fuel Market Rally," is here: ------- Our previous show is here: "Instant Results Coming from Social Security Fairness Act" ------- Get more info & commentary: -------- SUBSCRIBE to The Real Investment Show here: -------- Visit our Site: Contact Us: 1-855-RIA-PLAN -------- Subscribe to SimpleVisor: -------- Connect with us on social: #MarketRally #InvestorSentiment #Negativity #MarketSellOff #MarketCatalyst #MarketCorrection #ReflexiveRally #20DMA #50DMA #100DMA #InvestingTrends #InvestmentStrategies #StockMarketOutlook #InvestingTrends #MarketForecast #EconomicUpdate #FinanceTalk #InvestingTrends #InvestingAdvice #Money #Investing
Published 03/03