Corbett Report Videos

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Last Episode : March 13, 2025 8:30pm

Last Scanned : 2.9 hours ago


Episodes currently hosted on IPFS.

Confirmed 4
Duterte Due to Do Time (NWNW #584)
This week on the New World Next Week: democracy now means rule by oligarchs (just as it always did); Duterte is going to the Hague, but will Bibi and all the other war criminals join him?; and Lagarde threatens to unleash the digital euro by October.
Expires in 47 hours
Published Thursday
Confirmed 6
Creating Parallel Societies - #SolutionsWatch
From the depths of the scamdemic to the craziness of the trade wars, we've seen the economic destruction and disruption of our daily lives that can be caused by authoritarians who presume to rule over the world. But the society they are crafting is not the society we have to live in. Join James for this edition of #SolutionsWatch where he explores the concept of parallel societies and the steps that can be taken to create the building blocks for such societies to come about.
Expires in 9 hours
Published Wednesday
ReArm Europe!!! (NWNW #583)
This week on the New World Next Week: the trade wars commence as international trade goes topsy-turvy; the globalists are finally realizing their decades-old dream of an EU army; and Trump flexes US government power to Make America Great Again . . . for Israel.
Published 03/06
How to Get Eggs for Free!!! - #SolutionsWatch
Are you concerned with the price of eggs? Well, as I see it, there are two options. Either you could participate in the slave suggestion ritual known as voting for a political candidate in the hopes that your preferred candidate will take office so that they can start pressuring the central bank (that shouldn't exist) to tighten the money supply in the hopes of curbing monetary inflation while simultaneously easing regulatory burden on corporate farmers (who we shouldn't be buying food from) so that they will be incentivized to increase production while simultaneously using taxpayer money (which shouldn't be stolen in the first place) to invest in infrastructure projects in the hope of growing out the economy and thus reducing price inflation . . . or you could raise chickens. Let's explore Option 2 today, shall we?
Published 02/26
What Happened to the Anti-Establishment? - Questions For Corbett
Ben writes in to ask where all the anti-establishment, counter-cultural, anti-authoritarians have gone, and how the entire population has been so effectively divided into two political tribes. James provides an answer that goes in some unexpected directions. Don't miss this important edition of Questions For Corbett.
Published 02/26
This Podcast About Choosing Chickens May Just Change Your Life!
Corbett Report member Torus notes that this 2021 #SolutionsWatch podcast on "Choosing Chickens" changed the entire trajectory of his life. So, what's all the fuss about? Find out as James flashes back to this important conversation with Jack Spirko of The Survival Podcast.
Published 02/26
Meet the Zizians (NWNW #582)
This week on the New World Next Week: Reuters cops to secret funds from the UK government in the Cold War; conflicts of interest abound as new study raises question about climate science; and we discuss the trans vegan serial killer cult that the media doesn't want to talk about.
Published 02/21
Announcing REPORTAGE: Essays on the New World Order
I have published my first book. It's called REPORTAGE: Essays on the New World Order and it is available for purchase as a paperback or eBook (and—coming soon!—as an audiobook) from Today on the podcast I talk about the book, its origins, the 16-year journey from conception to completion, and how you can support me in this endeavour if you are so inclined.
Published 02/19
Levelling Up Your Language - #SolutionsWatch
Adam Deng, MIT PhD student and data alchemist, joins us for this special episode of #SolutionsWatch where he interviews James about language. How can the non-literary and non-linguistically inclined learn to deal with language? How can they improve fluency and facility with language? How can they read faster, retain more, understand allegory and metaphor, and adequately interpret and summarize works of fiction? And what does all of this have to do with Ludwig Wittgenstein? Find out in this not-to-be-missed edition of #SolutionsWatch!
Published 02/17
John Titus Explains the War for Bankocracy
Today James talks to returning guest John Titus about his new documentary series, The War for Bankocracy. Titus' documentary details the US Federal Reserve's recent push to escape its constitutional restraints, what such a move would mean, and why the bankers must be stopped before they achieve their bankocracy.
Published 02/11
The CDC is Grooming Kids for the Next Scamdemic (NWNW #581)
This week on the New World Next Week: craziness in the gold markets points to a major monetary shakeup ahead; USAID bankrolled a major international news network with ties to social media censorship; and the CDC is grooming kids for the next scamdemic with propaganda comics and scare stories.
Published 02/11
Raising Generation Next - #SolutionsWatch
In this important and wide-ranging conversation, James Corbett and Ernest Hancock discuss parenting. From corporal punishment to home schooling to protecting children from indoctrination, this edition of #SolutionsWatch explores the question of how to raise free, sovereign, independent human beings.
Published 02/10